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User Personas to prepare a personalised marketing strategy



  • Understand the existing users by preparing their personas

  • Drive more engagement amongst the existing users

  • Identify potential DENT users

Data source

The data was taken from Google Firebase Analytics, DENT playstore comments and Marketing research on Generation Y age group

Y Generation (Millennial)

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  • Extremely comfortable with technology 

  • Age 20 - 30 years

  • Technology Enthusiasts

  • Sports and Fitness Enthusiast

  • Are social and connected (they value brands that are social)

  • Want access not necessarily ownership (more Uber, less car)

  • Want to be healthy, and put an emphasis on fitness and healthy foods


Using all the data,  6 different millennial arch-types were created along with specific campaign strategies to promote to them

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A customised persona for each arch-type was prepared to humanize and visualize our target user

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The following personas are meant to inspire our content and understand  our current audience.

Realizable outcome

Travel Enthusiast Persona was selected for Instagram campaign which led to a whole redesign of the instagram visual language and message 



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© Arika Dodani 2021 | Designer |

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