User Personas to prepare a personalised marketing strategy

Understand the existing users by preparing their personas
Drive more engagement amongst the existing users
Identify potential DENT users
Data source
The data was taken from Google Firebase Analytics, DENT playstore comments and Marketing research on Generation Y age group
Y Generation (Millennial)

Extremely comfortable with technology
Age 20 - 30 years
Technology Enthusiasts
Sports and Fitness Enthusiast
Are social and connected (they value brands that are social)
Want access not necessarily ownership (more Uber, less car)
Want to be healthy, and put an emphasis on fitness and healthy foods
Using all the data, 6 different millennial arch-types were created along with specific campaign strategies to promote to them

A customised persona for each arch-type was prepared to humanize and visualize our target user

The following personas are meant to inspire our content and understand our current audience.
Realizable outcome
Travel Enthusiast Persona was selected for Instagram campaign which led to a whole redesign of the instagram visual language and message