Vicoland assessment - Design process of defining roles in a project proposal

Vicoland is a product where a team of freelance experts and enterprise projects come together to deliver cost-efficient, high-quality, and compliant professional services.

Vicos: Virtual Companies
Vico lead: Managers of teams of freelancers that build a scope for projects that meet their client's requirements.
Vico Members: Freelancers in a Vico ​
Product Overview
After building their Virtual companies, Vico leads sought out for clients and projects they can work on. When they receive a proposal from a client
In the current process, vico leads have to form a team before taking on a project. This is because as they are building their proposal, they need to assign a freelancer next to every task.
Often they do not know who to assign these tasks to or simply do not have enough team members at the early stages of the project. At the same time they need to send a proposal to their clients to move forward with the project negotiation process.
The overview, problem statement, as well as the goals of this assignment was provided by the team of Vicoland.
Problem Statement
Vico leads take a longer time to submit a proposal to their clients
It’s not possible to fill in talent gaps directly on Vicoland platform
Freelancers have no visibility of teams that need their skills for specific projects
Reduce the time lag between the client and vico transaction
Enable Vico leads to fill in talent gaps for projects via the Vicoland platform.
Enable freelancers to join projects that need their skills.
Roles and Responsibilities
Competitive Analysis
High fidelity Design
Time taken for this assessment
30 hours
Prototype that includes interactions described above
Documentation that describes the flows, logic and interactions so that the design could be implemented by developers
Any assets that you think would help us to better understand your design decisions, process and methods (flowcharts, sketches, research findings, etc.)
Vicoland assessment with design thinking approach
Understanding the product and the competitor
The first step was to understand the user flow of Vicoland and the competitors to really understand how do clients and freelancers sign up for jobs in this gig economy. The value proposition of Vicoland is slightly different as clients clients were signing up Vicos and not individual profiles. Vicoland also played an active role of a mediator to ensure a fluid communication between the clients and the Vicos.
After reviewing the user flow of Vicoland and the competitors I listed down the possible challenges the Vicoland users can have in reaching their goals.

Current user flow of the offer page for the vico lead
Vico leads assigned tasks to the team members within the offer page

Current user flow of freelancers
Freelancers would ideally be invited to join a project and cannot reach out vicos from the platform

Reframing the challenges as opportunities
Here the challenges were rephrased in HMW statements to really gear into a solution driven mindset. Now the plan was to overcome the listed obstacles that may prevent vico leads and vico members to achieve their goals.

What additional steps can we add in the existing user flow of Vicoland to overcome the listed challenges and help our users achieve their goals?
I iterated and reviewed the existing user flow to map out a journey that fulfils a user goal.

After mapping out each use case, I combined my ideas in a single flow to come up with a version that solved most of the challenges.
User flow of a Vico lead after receiving a project invitation

User flow of a vico member from the dashboard

Inspiration and sketching
Next step was to look back at the competitor review and beyond for more inspiration. How can a dashboard for freelancer with relevant gigs look like. In this case the goal was to explore how can a dashboard of a freelancer with offers to join a team published by vico’s look like.

The assets were traced from the screenshots of the vicoland portal and the font sizes were collected with the google chrome plugin called font ninja. A small library with reusable components was built as I started doing the visual design and the prototyping
Final Screens
Use case 1: Vico lead
Current user flow
The whole process of creating an offer would take place under the offer page. Before a vico lead had to predefine a vico member next to all the tasks before sending an offer to a client.

Proposed user flow
Vico lead can allocate a task to a role instead of a vico member. For the scope of this assessment the Vico lead can assign and manage roles from the teams tab.

After selecting teams, the vico lead is redirected to a different screen where they can manage teams, manage and publish offers as well as invite a freelancer from outside their vico. Vico lead can invite a freelancer externally, from a community of freelancer or publish a a request for a freelancer with skills specific to that project to join a vico

Use case 2: Vico Member
Current user flow
Freelancer would wait for an invitation to join a Vico.

Proposed user flow
Freelancer can browse relevant Vico invitations and send in their proposal.